Thanks for the reply Ajax, I would like the 601 but they don't have it on ecost anymore and I can't find it anywhere else for below $300. My question is, whether I should wait for it to appear or go ahead and pull the trigger on one of the other recievers right now while their still available for a good price.

Do you know how often they restock ecost? I really don't want to wait and have ecost run out of the Denon's too. Then I'll be totally out of luck.

And if I do pull the trigger now (which I probably will because I'm too scared they will run out of the Denon's) is the 1804 enough of an improvement over the 1604 to warrant the $40 increase?

I am still gonna buy the M22's and STF-2. If I save enough money I will get the VP100 also. I would like to spend the least amount possible on the reciever, but if I can get a noticeable upgrade with the 1804, then I would spring for it.