Hello Player 8

I have the 601 and M22s and they work wonderfully together. If you know that you really want the 601 and will possibly regret or feel 'upgradeitis' if you get the 501 instead, then it would probably be worth searching around or waiting for Ecost to have the 601 again. It 'seems' to me that they have them monthly.
And of course I'm going to trot out my favorite review of the 601 and the one that helped me buy mine.
However, you mentioned wanting a lower crossover than 80. I'm not sure that is really necessary with the M22s. While they will go down to 60Hz +/-3dB, for home theater you will want to set your crossover at 80Hz. I have done so and my whole setup impresses everyone who listens to it (and me every day!).
I also have no experience with the Denons, but loads of folks like them as well as Harmon Kardon's. Almost any solid state receiver you buy is going to sound great with M22s. Solid state has reached a level of maturity where there is no discernable difference between them. The trick is to find one that has the features you want and the price you can afford.


"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." C Hitchens