
thanks for your honesty in your impressions.. too many times, i get tired of reading all the gushing accolades over peoples speakers.. not saying they dont deserve accolades, but at least you were specific and concise with your concerns and reservations about their 'problems'. fortunately, my speakers were of fantastic build quality, but i did find the screens to be a little flimsy.. i thought they should have a more sturdy frame.

i am pleased that you are liking their soundstage and quality. that is definitely one place where the axioms have little or no problem impressing the new buyer. keep listening to your cd collection, and you will become even more impressed.

if you feel like the defect in the construction is bad enough to where it will bother you, then i would contact the company and see what they can do. i truly feel if you are spending your good money on 'top-end' speakers, they should be perfect in every way. enjoy your new system, and good luck on your new receiver choice.. might i suggest an Onkyo
