there are two scenes in particular that totally impress me from the shoot-out chapter.

the first one happens early in that chapter. its when costner first walks up to the guys on the street, plugs the one in the head, then opens up on all of them.. there is one part, where the camera is on a close up of him, and he empties out his revolver, and i swear, you can hear each tiny click of the firing mechanism on the gun. and you can hear a destinctive 'hammer drop' as each bullet is fired.. the clarity is amazing..

the second part, is the sheer force of the shotgun blast(they call it a scatter gun}, later in the same scene.. you can literally feel the force of the blast against your body(with a good sub i mean).

those two scenes, and the thunderstorm scene, have made this my favorite demo dvd when friends come hear my system. i would definitely give it 'two thumbs up'( and more if i had 'em)
