So they do offer a discount on all 5 pieces. The list price for that grouping is $1997. So at $1890, like Axiom, that's a discount of 5% or so.

But the 100 center is the lesser of the two they offer. So, substituting the VP100 for the VP150, the M60s, VP100, and QS8s come in at a list price of $1490; 1415.50 with the 5% discount.

I think we can justify the difference in price because of the Rocket finish. So everything is copacetic. (My spell checker actually had that word listed. I know this because I misspelled it . On purpose, of course )

Speaking completely on a personal level, as long as it meets a basic minimum, the finish isn't really high on my list of priorities. I recognize that many others feel differently. So, unless I markedly preferred the Rockets sound, for me, and for me alone, the Axioms would be a better value.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton