
I'm buying my first system and having a little trouble choosing between speakers and power amps. My primary interest is stereo. I plan on buying a DVD player, but only because it is also a SACD player.

The speakers under consideration are Axiom M22ti, M60ti, and Magnepan MMG.

I am considering the MMGs for all the widely reputed reasons, the sound of the MG12's I witnessed a few months, and not insignificantly, the $550 price tag. The downside is that the MMGs would require more current (SS current considering my lean budget)

Which brings me to the pair of ASL WAV-8s I heard driving a pair of Focus FR70's. The amps were so surprising that the one decision I made a few months ago (buying the MMGs) was in jeopardy. The WAV-8s probably won't drive the MMG's very well. So I began my search for an altenative speaker. One that could compare in sound quality to the Focus FR70. One in a box. One without a sub-woofer, (preferably, even though I considered getting one with the MMGs)

This puts the M-60 at the top of the list. However there are a few concerns:

Can the WAV-8 drive the M-60's without damaging them and deliver the sound quality I heard from the Focus FR70's?

My room size is 13 X 10 X 10, old wet plaster walls and hard wood floors (with 2 windows facing due north, if this matters...) Are the M-60's too large for the room from a performance point of view?

Will the M22's perform just as well without a sub, given my room size?

If the M-60's will work adequately with the WAV-8's for the near term, and sometime later I chose to purchase a SS power amp to bi-amp with the WAV-8s, why (Alan) wouldn't this be an improvement given the wattage of the WAV-8's?

Thank you for any enlightenment you can give me.

Other planned purchases:

Music Hall MMF-7 turntable w/Goldring Eroica MC cartridge
ASL MG PHONO DT PRE AMPLIFIER (purchased already)
Radio Shack copper cable