Like John, I have the M60s in the front and love them. And, like you, I have a VP150 in the center, and QS8s for surrounds. But, if, as you say, you'll be using your setup almost exclusively for movies, you'll be very happy with the 22s. I had 22s before I got the 60s, and I found the 22s/150/QS8s to be flawless for movies.

Matt's suggestion about refurbs is a good one. Your chances of ending up with a lemon are probably no greater than if you bought a brand new unit. The money saved could be put toward M60s if you preferred to go in that direction.

I have a 43" Sammy HLN DLP, and love it.

I will disagree with John on only one point. If you're going 6.1, stay with the QS8 in the rear. If you use one direct radiating speaker in the rear (like the M2, or M3), for some weird reason, it's signal appears to be coming from the front rather than the rear (I speak from personal experience), which defeats the purpose of having a speaker in the rear. A diffusing speaker, like the QS8, doesn't present this problem

If you go to 7.1 you can use either 2 direct radiating speakers (preferred, if you listen to DVD-As or SACDs), or 2 QS8s (for standard CDs and movies) as rear surrounds.

Everything else seems fine to me. Good luck. Be sure to keep us posted, and post pics when everything arrives.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton