I use the S-Video out on my Comcast box so that looks like a good option for me. I have available S-Video connections on the TV and receiver as well.

Think I'll take the plunge into the DVR world as soon as I get a better read on the Comcast DVR boxes they are rolling out. I got a call from Comcast recently where they had their first generation DVR available (I think it's built right into the cable box so one less box to deal with). Unfortunately that one did not allow you to watch a different channel while the recording was taking place (who would want that?). The rep indicated their 2nd generation box is due out in a matter of months, which will provide that capability. I doubt their interface will be as slick as TiVO's, but it's unlikely that there would be a phone line to deal with.

Decisions, decisions...btw, thanks for the info