I see. This is pretty much what I'd thought about surge protectors. The only thing that I liked about that monster one (besides that I didn't know if their claims about superior protection were true) was that there is a lot of space between the plugs which is nice if you have to plug in lots of the bigger type plugs (you know, the box-type ones which I assume do some sort of volt conversion...) but I don't think I will be needing this feature since none of my components use this type of plug.

as for a UPS I don't think I will need one untill I can afford one (and even then it's more of a WANT...)

also, the claims of giving a steady stream of 120V AC are also lies, no? (as some of the monster products claim) doesn't AC mean that the current is ALTERNATING? (I think if I remember correctly it is from 60-120 but it's been awhile since I took and science classes, being an english major...)

---|---|-O <- My Kitten (Grey and White) Also, accepting donations for the MX-700