I think we should start a new religion where HT IS the God and every year on december 25th Ian (as an Avatar of said God) gives every good little boy and girl that did not fall into the temptation of exotic cables and line conditioners extra special gifts. We could call it "Axiomity" and we could all be good "Axiomists" and the collection plate that is passed around at mass would go towards new equipment for the church so that all of God's children could watch movies at least once a week and feel the bone-crunching bass, listen to music that is accuratly reproduced...heck we could even send some to the recording studios that produce crappily-recorded albums so that they can stop this horrible trend... think of all the GOOD we could do...all the poor third world children that are forced to watch TV on crappy black and white 13 inch monitors whom we could deliver to God and save their souls... Praise the Lord!

---|---|-O <- My Kitten (Grey and White) Also, accepting donations for the MX-700