Welcome to the happy downward spiral!!! Everything sounds too good now..... need more CDs...... need more DVDs...... must upgrade equipment... more power..... need a bigger room........MUST have an amplifier.......God - that TV is SMALL. SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!

Oh yeah, it's innocuous when it starts. Soon you'll be waking in cold sweats wondering if 12ga. speaker wire is enough. Then it will be the posts wondering about the break-in period. It never stops. IT'S A SICKNESS I TELL YA!!!!

Sorry; my wife noticed what was happening and medicated me. I feel better now.

Enjoy the experience Mark! And plan on taking a couple of days off. One day wil be dedicated to pacing at the end of the driveway waiting for the truck, wrestling the boys into the house and hooking everything up. After listening to them that night, you'll realize that tomorrow must also be a vacation day so you can just ....... listen.