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My choice for output AND sound quality is the Hsu.

As in HSU TN1220?

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The Hsu has been measured flat, anechoicly, to 18hz, and in-room to 16hz by a third party. Obviously...all rooms are different. The sub has been around a long time.

Excellent...and what model is this HSU?

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Plus, I have heard the TN1220 compared to my VTF-3, and sound quality wise, it is cleaner.

I have heard two SVS subs in my room...and I thought my VTF-3 was cleaner. Some will call me biased, so if you have a chance to compare, I suggest you do so.

I do not think you are biased at all. Most people do not have the luxury of having all of those subs in the same room to compare. Your opinion is valuable to me. As with some opinions of others that have stirred my towards the HSU VTF2 I was sorely disappointed thinking it would best my older Mirage BPS150 bipolar sub with 2 x 8 inches drivers. It did not go as deep as my Mirage or get to the same output. The Mirage had a bigger enclosure which could have helped. Their opinion maybe was based on the fact the VTF2 did better than their older sub. The Mirage actually was a very good sub at its time...and it wasn't cheap back in 2000 which was close to $1000.

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Here are three you can guess the relative sizes:
SVS PB12+(single driver), my VTF-3, and my STF-2. Remember, the PB12-plus/2 is even bigger.

Thats HUGE!!!!!!

So your recomendation for a lot of cubic feet is going for the TN1220. Doesn't that thing tap dance at higher volumes since it is not bottom heavy? So do you think/know if the TN1220 would outperform the SVS PB12 plus/2 or the SVS PB12 ISD/2?