I was starting to think I was the only insane Tool fan on here, but I guess not! I've only had my M60s for about a week, so I haven't had much time to listen to that much of my music collection. However, I have been playing all of the Tool albums pretty constantly, and man does Lateralus sound great. It's always been one of my best sounding CDs, and now it's just that much better. Every song on the album sounds amazing, but Ticks and Leeches, Lateralus (love Danny's drumming here), Disposition, and Reflection stand out most to me. Ænima is also great, especially Forty Six & 2, jimmy, and Third Eye.

I also enjoy all three of the A Perfect Circle albums on these wonderful speakers.

Axiom M60ti Hsu VTF-2 Mk2 NAD C320BEE NAD C542 Systemdek IIX Cables by Unity Audio