
If you decide to download and print your own, try using some high quality, 8x11 photo paper, and use the highest quality settings on your printer. It also might be a good idea to be sure your printer has a fresh cartridge(s) of ink.

Mine came out pretty good.

Only the bottom, THX sign is printed. I got the Dolby Sign from Dolby itself, for $20. DTS offers a sign (click on the "Home Theater" link), but it is considerably larger than the Dolby sign, so I opted to get my DTS Sign from Stargate Cinema for $30. As you can see from the photo, it is the same width as the Dolby sign. If you really want things to match, Stargate offers a Dolby sign that matches their DTS sign.

If you do a Google search for "Home Theater Signs, you might come up with other options.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton