
I would like some validation of my home theatre setup for an addition I am putting on my house:

I am at the wiring rough in stage:

I expect my factory outlet VP150, M60Tis, and QS8s to come in the next week or so (ordered just before the price jump on Nov 15)

Here is how the speakers are going to be placed:

More details on how the speaker placement will be on a “stage” where the fireplace is:

The QS8s will be placed at 7 feet high (9 foot walls) at about 16 feet from the projection screen.

The main listening couch will be 14 feet from the projection screen in the center of the room.

Concerns that I have

  1. I may have to angle the VP150 down to the listening area.
  2. Will the M60s be too high? The fireplace stage is 12” tall.
  3. Will the way I have the M60s on the fireplace stage colour the sound at all?

Any suggestions would be welcomed.

