I have a gas fireplace and keep it turned to "low" because it gives off a surprising amount of heat, mostly emanating straight forward rather than laterally, but 2 feet to either side might be enough. You do bring up a good point about the M60s acting as expensive drink holders. Even on the stage, they may attract a fair number of beers.

Thoughts about the left/right corner placement for the M60s. Great for drink avoidance, broader sounstage, but will probably require some toe-in. If you place them here, think about your SVS style & placement. Those corners look to be the best for the subs. That means you'll probably need to place them directly IN the corner to mazimize the LFE. If so, then the M60s will need to be placed in front of the subs or just beside them, a bit inside the corners.

If we assume that my thoughts are even close to making sense, quite a stretch , then it might make sense to consider the SVS cylinder style, rather than the box style. This isn't a bad thing, because it is clear that there is quite a bit of testosterone and bragging rights embedded in this whole project and the cylinders (I have one) will be excellent conversation starters.

This would be a good time to give SVS a call and discuss what the room will require, for a couple of reasons. First, given the size of the room, you will likely need max headroom vs. going low. I'm guessing they might guide to to the 25-31 PC+. This provides the most headroom, but can also be tuned to go lower, so you get the best of both worlds. Choosing the 16-46 or 20-39 would sacrifice headroom. Second, if you can zero in on the model now, it gives you time to keep an eye on their B-stock availability to save some money. The B-stock doesn't last very long and usually goes the lucky & quick.

This is just me thinking out loud - hope it's helpful. BTW, what part of the country are you in? Looks like winter outside.