Hate to break up the merriment

Thanks to Ajax for being the OP.

I changes the Norton Firewall and added www.Axiomaudio.com to the list of trusted sites. That did not work and I continued to have the same problem.

I then disables the Norton Firewall altogether. That also did not work.

I then turned off the windows firewall that comes with XP SP2. Not that either.

At the end I switched Windows Firewall on and turned off Norton security. That seems to have cured the problem.

Thanks for all the help.

Last edited by Nat; 12/18/04 01:48 AM.

------ M80, VP150, QS8 Surr, QS8 Back Surr Sunfire Amp -M80, Denon 3805 -all else, SVS 20-39 PC+