Hi Jack,
I added the Norah Jones album to my rental queue -- thanks! My tastes in music are fairly varied, I'm guessing I'll enjoy most, if not all of your recommendations.

BTW, with the exception of a sub, I have a 7.1 Axiom speaker system. I merely wanted to evaluate the sound imaging that the M80s would produce on their own, hence my attempt to listen in stereo mode.

Here's my wish list for 2005; I had to stop after buying a new receiver (Denon 3805) and Axiom speakers (M80, VP150, QS8x4) because of the budget factor
a. one of SVS 20-39pci/SVS 25-31pc+/HSU VTF-3 MKII
b. Samsung HL-P4663W

Thanks again Jack.

Axiom M80Ti, VP150, M3 on walls X 4, M3 ceiling X4, HSU VTF-3 MK3