
Welcome! Your question does not breach any secret board etiquette, so rest easy. I used to own a pair of Paradigm Monitor 9s and a CC-350. I loved all three of them. Then I got married and my wife wanted to reclaim some floor space so I went on a quest for some smaller speakers. I ended up buying Axiom M22s and VP100, still thinking that I'd be moving down a notch as far as sound quality was concerned. Boy was I wrong!

I had the opportunity to losten to the M22s and Paradigm Monitor 9s back to back and the M22s were so much better at relating the feeling of the music that I was dumbfounded. Sure the Paradigms were a LOT better in the bass department, but that's a factor of size. I have since supplemented the M22s with a fantastic SVS subwoofer and I could not be happier.

Moral of the story: Speaking as a former Paradigm owner, I would go with Axiom if I were you.