I don't own either of them but have the comparable PSB instead. The Axiom seems to be well regarded for music but the Hsu is often felt to be a bit better for HT by virtue of going a bit deeper in the low bass.

Don't read too much into people looking for alternatives to the Axioms -- it's not so much that the Axiom subs are bad, it's just that Axiom is ahead of the pack with regular speakers but there is some incredible competition in the sub market and the Hsu is felt to offer better performance for the $$, albeit in a black box vs. nicely finished woodgrain box that matches your other speakers.

I know this sounds trite but often it seems to come down to looks. If the sub is going in "your room" or a dark HT then a lot of people go for the Hsu or SVS to get a bit more bang for their buck. If the sub is going in the living room and needs to look good people tend to get the Axioms for the finish and happily give up the slight performance difference.

FYI, the difference is not nite and day, the 350 is comparable to the PSB sub I have and that is pretty darned impressive.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8