You are right Jack. I also know SOME reviews can be biased towards a manufactuer. Not saying they get "paid off" but they have a relationship, or pre-conceived feelings. I just thought it would be helpful, as it puts the 3 subs that were being discussed into 1 article, And that was what the post asked for, a comparison. I am not saying I agree with it, nor cause I own 2 SVS's am I pushing them. That was just HIS outcome, and conclusion of HIS opinions. I own 5 Axiom speakers and could not be happier. I will own more when I have the additional space in my new home. I have never heard their subs, so I can offer NO personal preference for or aganist Axiom subs. However, I will sure speak of my preference for their speakers.

Sunfire amps & processor Sammy 50" Crown amp 2-SVS SS Maple Ultras, Axiom 60s,22s,150cc, QS8s