I for one deffinitly beleive that vintage amplifiers sound better. I own a Grommes 24PG (circa early 1960s(?) which is thus far my favorite little amplifier yet. I also own a Merantz (circa about 1975) and once owned a Fisher (circe about 1968. Each amplifier has their own charicteritics, the Fisher had a very forthcomming and present bass reproduction, while the Grommes and Marantz were a little more balanced. The Grommes being an all tube amplifier should not really be compaired to it's solid state sisters, but in comparison it's sound is smooth and relaxed, with a more present staging. Bass is warm, almost "fuzzy" and natural, and I do not mean this as fuzzy as in distortion but rather a quality that isn't easy to explain, it seemed to over-all be less distorted and colored than the Fisher. The Marantz in comparison to the Grommes is more solid, less natural and more "mechanical" for some, this sharper and more crisp sound is more desirable.

Either way, my feelings about hifi is the older the better, so long as you choose a good brand.

I don't know much about Grommes, and looking up the 24PG on the internet only brings back three hits. One of which I wrote myself reveiwing the Warfedale MFM3.

I bought the amp for 100 bucks on ebay... while others on Ebay were searching for more well known vintage tube amp manufacterers, such as Denon, Marantz and Fisher, I think I got a bargan on a more rare amplifier. If you know anything about Grommes' 24PG amplifier (reputation, ect), please let me know.