Ray, your dog is bugging me. Is that a Real Dog or one of those quasi-vermin things that Mrs. Ray might carry around in her purse? I know, take it to the dog thread...

Now, back to our regular, scheduled topic.

Yes, the PB12 has a crossover Like I said, it might never be an issue for you, and that was the only meaningful input I had on the PB10.

I'd agree with Ray (as usual). Talk to the manufacturers about your room size. That being said, I have my PB12 in a VERY large room (cubic feet-wise) and find it to be more than enough for any application.

And I agree with you about the form-factor. No way was my wife going for the big, black water heater. In addition, with kids and dogs, I just wanted to minimize the overall amount of sticky, hairy grill cloth I have in my house, so I opted for a down-firing model. It serves nicely as an end table. No complaints on performance or aesthetics. But it is a "black box"; for me, having it match the front speakers was not important.

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