I am currently running M60s, QS8s (also some Tannoy bookshelfs for rear surround in 7.1, soon to be M2s) and VP150 with a Denon 3805 and SVS PB2-isd/2. When listening to music I find that things get a little harsh in my room around -20dB (calibrated to reference at 0dB) with a lot of CDs.

I have been thinking about adding a 2 channel amp for the M60s but want to know if anyone else has done this with the 3805 and notice much improvement in quality, i.e a little more midrange and smoother highs? My biggest problem is with squealing guitar solos and some high female vocals, not the higher frequencies of cymbals etc which are clear and sharp.

Amp recommendations would also be appreciated, keeping a reasonable budget in mind.

I do run movies fairly loud (-10dB to -15db) so relieving the 3805 of the front channels wouldn't be a bad thing either. My room is 23x14x8.



M60s, VP150, QS8s(3), SVS PB12-isd, Denon 3805, Emotiva UPA-7