I think I solved the problem. I moved the 150 up more, so that the distance from each speaker (LF,RF,and C) to my listening position is equal. That helped a bit, probably widened the dispersion from the tweeters and reduced the reflections off my 22's, since they are pretty close to the 150. The biggest change occurred after I moved the coffee table out of the way, which sat directly centered to my 150 about 4 feet away, it's about 1 1/2 feet tall(quite large). I always suspected that it would cause a problem and after reading some posts, I finally decided to movie it and my problem is now solved. The 150 is sounding beautiful again since there aren't anymore nasty reflections from the coffee table, which I think results in midrange colouring, which is exactly what I was hearing. I feel a bit foolish now, but thanks guys for responding, I'm glad I can enjoy my speakers now!
