Sorry to hear about your Aust Shep. That's life, sometime you've to live with it. Hopefully you can come up with the 'big buck' for the surgery (I know it's very expensive). Then feel free to opt for insurance if you think it will give you a peace of mind (but has to read the fine print what items are covered or not). Like every policy, you've to pay more if you want better coverage. Also, check with the company to confirm whether things related after the cruciate ligament surgery will be covered. Then you won't be surprised down the road.

Perhaps you've already done the research on cruciate ligament. If not, check this out if you're interested.

Afterall, we treat our pet as part of our family.

Regards and hope your Shep will get well soon.

Benji (2.5 yr Bearded Collie)
Bouncer (1.5 yr Bearded Collie)