Thanks for the comments, bridgman!

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openings in the west wall will definitely help (and half a cube is way better than a cube

Windows with wooden venetion blinds to the west. Openings to large airspace to the east.

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a big response peak around 56 Hz

Fabulous! Close enough to 60Hz that anything that does couple in is going to be REALLY noticeable

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the M60s sound great when they're pulled away from the wall

The northwest (Left) M60 will be about a foot away from the west wall and about 8" in front of the bookshelves. Those bookshelves have some space left in them (unlike the south and east bookshelves) and they're 50cm deep (what... about 20", yah?). That should act as distance from the north wall , anyway.

The Right M60 will be the same distance out from the bookshelves, but a LONG way from the east wall.

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pulling the M60s a few feet away from the wall (fronts 5' from the wall and 5' from each side wall)

That puts the Left one right in front of the couch. Probably bad for other reasons

Thanks for the tips!

BethR - El Dorado Hills, CA
To thine own self be true.