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So where exactly is Canada located, then?

It's that big state at the top of the map. You know, the big green/grey one with no roads and all the funny town names. (ducking)

I got lost there once and tried to ask for directions. That extreme New England accent is just flat out unintelligable. I thought I made a wrong turn in Toledo and hit France.

Apparently, they think the Baltimore Ravens and George W. Bush are #1, too. Every time one of them read my bumper stickers, they would give me the "you're #1" sign. They really shouldn't sell table saws up there. Apparently, they've had lots of lost index finger accidents and need to use the middle finger instead. If I could speak New England, I would have told them that someone might confuse that for something not so nice. Alas, I just smiled and nodded a lot...

I highly recommend that you check out their beer, and their speakers. For people so clumsy with saws, they seem to do allright with speakers, breweries, and those funny little hooked sticks that they play that soccer-like game with.

M- M60s/VP150/QS8s/SVS PC-Ultra/HK630 Sit down. Shut up. Listen.