Well, after skimming through the web site, I do not understand why this crossover design is even patentable. It is just a classical first-order filter. Is this serial configuration really new to loudspeaker crossover design??? Maybe Ian can kick in here.

At any rate, I believe that, in the broader scope of general analog filter designs, serial arrangements are absolutely nothing new. I would rather be afraid that, in this design, the woofer's impedance characteristics may directly affect the tweeter performance, and vice versa.

If I were you, I would never even think about modifying the M22ti's crossover design, which I trust has been very carefully optimized for the specific drivers and enclosure used. This is of course unless you just want to play around with your M22s, without necessarily expecting any improvements in sound quality, and without minding the possibility of trashing the driver(s). If I were to try this crossover, I would rather go for a DIY from scratch.

By the way, I believe that Axiom uses as high as forth-order (24-dB/octave) crossover design in M22s and most other models, in order to mask the drivers' roll-off characteristics as much as possible... am I correct?
