I let my wife do all the preliminary choosing and when she's got it down to a shortlist of 3-4 colours she asks my opinion. I'm not sure why she bothers. I guess it is more a courtesy or something. I'm not a risk taker in the coloured wall department (i've no eye for such stuff), so invariably I go with the most "safe" colour (subdued or beige). She almost always says "really, that is my least favourite. I think we need something more bold to bring out the.... in the room.". So we always go with her choice and I do most of the painting. It always looks good and we both know it is better she makes the colour decisions.

Tried and true rollers and a good brush for the trim are my instruments of choice. I try to get away with taping as little as possible (takes too long), so where I can I'll use latex and have a rag handy to clean up the odd slip of the brush.