I never "just buy" anything without understanding how it works. It's all part of the learning adventure. Plus, I'm not in a big hurry. So why not research and compare?

Unless I’ve forgotten basic electricical theory, the response I got from NAD is basically telling me that the 4 ohm circuit has a lower current capacity than the 8 ohm circuit, which is counter to what they claim (high current amplifiers).

A Watt is a measurement of power in a circuit. Watt = Current squared X resistance ……Ampere is a unit of measurement of current (1 Ampere is = 1 coulomb flow past a point in a circuit every second) 1 coulomb = 6.25 billion electrons). Hence, amperes is king in regards to available power for any electrical driven component.

One Watt is the power measurement of 1 ampere to flow through 1 ohm of resistance. So, in a since, wattage rating is the net available power rating (current) of a given circuit figuring in total circuit resistance. If the wattage rating at 8 ohm is the same as 4 ohm, total current available is lower in the 4 ohm circuit than the 8 ohm circuit.

Am I wrong?