I had the pleasure of getting to meet another member of the board this weekend. my wife and i drove down to Austin this weekend, and i helped whatfurrer(steve) move into his new home. well, i helped a little, but they had already moved most of the furnishings. steve and i mostly took care of the HT stuff, a grill pit, and a few extra boxes of what-nots. steve and his wife were super nice people, and we had a great time talking and working at the same time. and their new house......AWESOME. giant, beautiful new home, in a great neighborhood. this place was 'to the nines'. i know steve dont want to yank his own chain, but i will say it, his new place is totally kick-a$$. i am kinda glad i didnt take my wife over there, cause she would want it, right now.. i hope to have the opportunity to visit him in the future once they get completely moved in, and have a chance to make the house a home.

and, lucky for me.... the 'water heater' look of his SVS 20-39 PC+ does not jive with the new home and his wifes decorating ideas.... so, he was kind enough to let me buy it from him. i have been saying that my Vega sub was the weak link in my system, and i have been looking to replace it. so, i thought this would be a great option for me. i got it home last night, and hooked it up. i didnt have the chance to properly calibrate it, but upon first listen, i think it is a vast improvement. bass is tighter and more precise. low extension is much better, and overall presence in the room is greater than before. i played with the tuning ports, and found that i liked it tuned at 20Hz, instead of 16Hz. it had more punch, and the bass seemed more agressive. Overall, i am pleased with it, and i am grateful that steve gave me the opportunity to purchase it from him.

Even though we sweated and pushed into muscle fatigue while helping him move, i really enjoyed my time with steve. a very knowledgeable and friendly guy, we hit it off really good from the get-go. i was glad i got to help him move, and thankful for him leting me get his SVS.

i hope more of us could get the chance to meet fellow board members. my meetings with steve and bray have been spectacular experiences, and its nice to form more of a connection than just what this one dimensional forum will allow. i would hope they feel the same way, but probably not.. J/K..
