Craig, all the info on these formats is that the max resolution would be 1920x1080. Of course, the producers of an individual disc could choose to provide lower resolution. While higher resolution may be of some interest to the studios, particularly if it enhances sales, the enhanced copyproofing of these discs(cf. DVD-A/SACD) is likely a far more important consideration to them.

Curtis, that part of the article is inaccurate. The depth of the protective layer over the recorded layer is 0.6 mm for HD-DVDs and 0.1 mm for Blu-Rays(it's been said that a cross look will cause a layer that thin to fail and render the disc unplayable). Seriously, since the 0.6 mm HD-DVD layer is the same as regular DVDs, current facilities can be used, while the Blu-Ray requires altered equipment and procedures, making it less attractive in that respect. Both use a "blue" 405nm wavelength laser, compared to 780nm for CD and 650nm for DVD-A/SACD.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.