I went from M2s to M60s and at higher volumes there was a significant difference in "openness", whatever that is. They sounded like big speakers where the M2s sounded like small speakers. Again this was only at higher volumes where the M2s started to hit their SPL limits and started compressing the dynamics. I imagine the M22s would be somewhere in between, ie if you are playing at moderate volumes you probably wouldn't notice much difference (other than the bass) but if you like to (and are able to) turn up the volume some more the M60s really make a difference.

DISCLAIMER -- I have not had a chance to hear M22s so this is just extrapolating from M2s and a vivid imagination

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8