I have always done everything everything with Exact Audio at 320kps and like I said, NOBODY has yet to sit in my house and pick out which is which.

I went 320kps only because I have always had big hard drives and anything below 320kps I seem to be able to pick out some things I don't like. 128kps for example sounds not bad but on some stuff a lot of bass that is normally there is gone or on some music it seems to add bass that was never there.

At the end of the day this like so many other things in audio comes down to personal taste and what the music is being played through. If you have a revealing system, chances are better you will be able to pick out the flaws associated with each respective bit rate.

.............and I'm 38 years old and just had my hearing checked. According to the Doc, it's as good as when I tested with him at 22. So far, so good.