OK. Just did another test with the same Perfect Circle album in both original and 128MP3. Playing at a level of 90-93db via direct mode (just M60's) and stereo mode (M60's and Hsu VTF3 MK2) I tried the test a couple different ways. One was to play a section of music on one disc, say the intro, a chorus, or a verse, then play the same section on the other disc. Then I tried the original test again of starting both discs simultaneously and switching back and forth.

Well here is what I have to say. . . .

Let it be known that this is an open invite. If anybody wants to come over my house and have a listen and show me that they can tell which is MP3 and which is the original as I switch them back and forth, I will reward them with much beer and much envy. For I cannot, and I cannot believe that I cannot.

More testing is to follow.