The truly scarry thing....especially for those of us slowly(or NOT so slowly)packing on the years, is the understood loss of hearing which may make the grail unobtainable.....(insert uncontrollable sobbing "here")

The other problem may be in the memory of the sound from an older set of speakers which may have "colored" your memory.(I have exactly that with a number of Chet Atkins CDs that I purchassed reciently to replace some favorite vinyl lost due to flooding. The CDs don't sound right thru my main system, but sound good on my Brand "X" speakers in the diningroom. The reason seems to be that I was used to the sound of the old albums thru a rather inexpensive record player with speaker ears that didn't, I'm sure, reproduce an accurate sound, but one which I became very "used to" over the years that I listened to it as a kid. Seems to be a strong Memory of what's "Right")

So from one old fogey to another, we may be just SOL

Rich. thing is sure....until science perfects cloning and accurate brain recording and data transfer...we WILL die trying