Is axiom in trouble? Why do they allow themselves to engage in a smear campaign against a reputable eBay seller by insinuating he is selling “old” speakers. The idea that a manufacturer is trying to prevent his products from being sold on eBay because it is less expensive is unheard of. Imagine all manufacturers are doing the same; this is a vision of a disturbed mind. Axiom has, by its own admission, eliminated the retailers in Canada and is obviously exploiting its market position to sell overpriced manufacture. Only a simple mind would believe that axiom’s prices are “factory prices” ; they are RETAIL PRICES. I congratulate the other poster at this forum who states that a saving of $200.00 on an m80s is an immaterial amount. For some of us it makes a difference. A more important question is: when do axiom speakers become “old”????? How quickly does axiom technology become obsolete???? Please tell us: How quickly does axiom technology become obsolete????
If it would not be so futile I could go on and on raising questions about the motivations of axiom and its trembling before the face of a competitor.