I've not visited this thread in some time. I must say it's made me shake my head and at times laugh. I said what I thought about this whole ebay hub-bub in my first post so wont go into that.

BUT . . . so comments have brought one question to me wee brain.

what EXACTLY is the difference to a say M80 or vp150 and a "V2" of the same? what have been changed? drivers? crossover points? what?

what date did this umm.. upgrade to V2 happen?

also, does this "V2" encompase the whole of the Axiom line or only the 80, 150? If it is the whole line are the changes the same throughout?

one last thought, I have read lot's of reviews of many makers product. and some as old as 2000-01 , not all of them have a V2 or such designator, so are they all selling "old" product still? Without any actuall improvements made to a product what makes the difference what its "born on" date is?

again I don't spell check . . . so shot me! lol
carry on :P