Friday Night: 2" (about 4cm for our Canadians) ribeyes, baked taters, grilled green bean
Saturday Noon: 3 Racks Spare Ribs for 6 hours, BBQ Beans, tater salad.
Sunday Noon: Seared then smoked a 6LB (a bit under 3kg?)pork loin, done at 5, mashed taters, grilled asparagus and zucchini. Made a mango/pineapple glaze that turned out pretty damn good.
Sunday 8PM: started 3 9lb (4kg) briskets smoking @ 175F. Raise temp slowly until the last 2 hours are at 225F at 4PM Monday afternoon. On white bread with choice of sauce or plain. A whole mess of other stuff around to stuff down your gullet as well.

Daytime Monday: Brats and such for lunch for those who came early. Enough beer consumed by 4 that we had to call a late arriver to pick up some more on his way in.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22." "It's the best there is." M22ti VP150 EP350 QS8 M3Ti