
Do the audio first, because HD projectors continue to evolve more rapidly than audio. Maybe the Blue-ray and HD-DVD dust will have settled by then as well?

This as well is true, I am not looking at 1080p projectors though, I am looking to get just a 720p. But who knows, by the time I am ready to purchase a projector the 720p models will be reduced a ton because all the new models are coming out now. I was looking at the Sanyo Z4.

In any case, I am firm believer that neither HD DVD or Blu-ray will be the standard simply because they are not a big enough leap in technology as was VHS to DVD. DVDs were a HUGE step in technology compared to VHS.

I am not meaning to Hi-jack my own thread hahah. But I think that HVD (Holographic Versatile Disc) is the next phase in video technology. With some discs holding up to 1 terabite of information, it will simply be the end all be all for video when it does become available on a consumer level (probably 5 years from now).

But ya, I think my wife wants the projector first (who wouldn't?) but I will probably go with Audio for now. This way I'll be able to listen to music on a killer system as well.


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