I’m always changing my mind, including screen size and height, so I banged out some speaker stands for the 22’s. Figured I’d share some pics in case anyone has the same dilemma as I. When I swap out the screen it will be wider and a little narrower in height, so I’ll mount it a bit higher off the floor. No I can just raise the speakers as needed. I had them sitting on the little table, but they just didn’t sound right being that close together. Between JohnK and Allan’s suggestions of what to do with them, the little fellers are sounding mighty fine. The center channel sounds pretty kick ass with them 40” apart and right up against the wall. I never would have thought that moving them around a little would make such a dramatic improvement.

You can’t really tell by the shots, but they share the same angles of the 22’s. I had to make a swoop in the rear to keep them from being too tippy. A little Velcro holds them on the stands.

While I was feeling creative, I made the DVD cabinet too. I couldn’t find anything that would maximize the space in the closet that I had left over. It will hold right at 700 dvd’s and I’ve got about 500 now.

Then I got the Prismatic 1400 anamorphic lens mounted too…..man, what a pain in the but mounting and setting that thing up was. I had to make the bracket big enough to span the floor joist and be able to support the weight of the lens and the projector.

Now if that 2.35 screens and VP 50 would ever show up, I think I can call this HT project complete. Well besides paying off the credit cards anyway.