Thanks Rick. I like to work with wood, but I’ll never be able to do it for money. I’m too damn slow. If anyone wants some dimensions and a materials list, I’d be happy to supply it though.

Ken…..every time I look at that speaker behind the couch I want to move it. But it doesn’t ‘block’ the sound for lack of a better description. I did actually move it and its brother around some but I couldn’t tell any difference from where it is now to further into the room. The most improvement I had was moving it about 12” away from the back wall and about 18” away from the side walls. Ol’ Rick Farmer suggested I not have them equidistance from the walls, where I did have them at 6” and 6”. After I move them to where they are now, I can’t tell any audible difference when I move them around unless I move them back to the walls. The area rug helped big time too. It really toned things down. I’m pretty happy with everything the way it is now. I was just listening to DSOTM in SACD 8 channel direct grinning ear to ear.