I am building a home theater area in my basement, and am considering the following prior to framing and drywall for sound proofing. Any advice/comments would be appreciated:

1. Small heating ducts leading to heat registers in basement and to other areas of the house upstairs - replace straight metal 6" heating pipe with flexible aluminum 5" pipe and create an S-like pattern within the joist space in the basement ceiling.
2. Taking R-9 insulation and using adhesive to stick it to two sides (upper and one side) of hot and cold air returns to dampen the sound (I've heard doing it on the inside is better, but I'm not about to take them apart).
3. Roxul Safe&Sound 3" insulation thoroughout basement ceilng joist spaces and in any gaps in ceiling).
4. Installing resilient channel (sound bar) to joists above home theater area so that ceiling drywall can be attached to it (creating 1/2 inch gap between drywall and bottom of joists).
