All the myriad pieces of our new living room/entertainment center were supposed to be here right around Halloween. But the EC was backordered so today is the first day we have had it all put pretty much put together. Better late than never I guess. The rosewood M60's are gorgeous and look awesome (IMHO) with the EC. Of course more importantly, the sound is stellar! Here is a link if you would like to take a look (I just had to include one of the view outside our window as well):

And I actually have the Universal remote working (mostly-I can't quite get the complete power-on/poweroff thing timed right).

My problem is that though I order the Axiom wall mount brackets for the surrounds, I need one bracket that comes out another 3 inches and preferably swivels-I don't like the way the curtains hang around the surround-it needs to be directed more to the front of the room (see the fourth picture) and come out farther. Can any one recommend a good wall mount bracket alternative?

While Halloween came late, Christmas came early ;-)