Craig, I don't do games, so I wasn't going to reply, but now that I see the direction you're going I'll make a comment. What I do with my computer is to bypass the crummy sound card, etc. by taking a digital output from the USB port with a Xitel Hifi-link(about $40)which includes a DAC and feeds an unused line level input on my receiver and then on to the M22s. My thing is listening to streaming audio(not the greatest, but okay)from classical stations all over the world while I'm at the computer(Moscow and the Shostakovich 7th at the moment). If my receiver had a USB input such as sushi's 45TX does, I wouldn't even need the Xitel link. Their Pro Hifi-link(about $80)includes all sorts of digital connectors and handles DD, DTS, etc. surround information so that a regular(not computer speaker) system can be used. You might take a look at the site.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.