AFAIK the XBOX 360 supports DTS for movies. I swear I've done it-all it should be is a pass through to the AVR..

That said, HD-DVD, Blu Ray, it doesn't matter. Want to see the winner in the next round of the format war? Go to your 'on demand' channel. Or go to the movies download section on the XBOX 360 (or the PS3 I guess, haven't tried it). What rhapsody and napster did for music we'll see done for movies. Five years from now we'll have all you can watch subscriptions and it's going to be wonderful.

In the meantime, I pity people that build up a library of HD stuff with either format. This is a transitional technology-the next 'laser disc'.

So if you want HD movies now (the current subscription content is too compressed for my liking) HD DVD is the way I would go to. Paired with netflix it is marginally cheaper than bluray. Of course if a movie you really had to see in HD was only on blu ray...

Oh, and for the subscription model to work, you need DRM. It isn't unreasonable for a content provider to want to protect their rights to distribute their content.

Last edited by DrunkenWolf; 12/23/06 05:52 AM.