Bray, I not only got the 550, but the 659 as well.

I've had a chubby for the 659 for quite some time now, so I opened it first. (Yes, I'm White & Nerdy!!) But frankly, I'm disappointed. The buttons are too small, not laid out "logically", and hard to tell apart by "feel". Also, compared to my A/V Receiver and PVR remotes, I have to go into many sub menus to do simple functions. I don't think I'm keeping either one.

My wife is still very excited at the prospect of only having to push ONE button to watch TV. And that is where it shines. Past that, I'm whipping out the old remotes.

I may have to check into Ray's recommendation of the "Home Theater Master". I think that's the one he's always talking about.......


Epic 80/600 + M3's + M3 Algonquins + M2 Computer + EP125
I think I'm developing an addiction.