I have just received a Harmony 688 remote, and must say that it's a revelation. All the other remotes have been retired.

I have two gripes: the first is that when I press "Watch DVD", I want the custom DVD-centric LCD buttons to be the first screen, and they're not. For some reason the TV-centric buttons are always first (at least according to Logitech's tech support e-mail response).

The second gripe is that the 688 has a button labeled "sound", which I want to program to change the Audio function of the DVD player. Alas, the "sound" option is not available in the Harmony configuration software, even though the picture of the 688 clearly shows the button and it is physically present on the remote. I have worked around this nit by having the button labeled "guide" change the Audio function. Cludgy, and should be able to be fixed.

Otherwise, the 688 has received rave reviews from my wife, mother-in-law, and even my 5-yr old son. He especially like the "big new remote"

And, finally, since the price of the 688 is now under $100, it's hard not to recommend at that price point.

- JasonEuc M50's, CC370, M3's, Rotel RSX-965, Integra DPC 7.5, Harmony 688