
As was pointed out, all flat panel plasma and LCD sets are progressive scan, so any such 1080 set has to display the material at 1080p. If the incoming material is 1080i, the set deinterlaces it to 1080p so that it can be shown. If the incoming material is 1080p(rare)and the set can input 1080p, then no deinterlacing is necessary in the set. Theoretically this should be slightly superior, but if the deinterlacing in the set is good there may be no actual visible difference. So, the 1080i vs 1080p input capability may be of very little significance.

Thats pretty much what I was trying to say.

The confusing thing to the average consumer that doesn't research this at all, is that "99.9%" (since ctown mentioned there was at least one wobbulated 1080i set) of monitors claiming to be 1080i, only do so with respect to the fact that it ACCEPTS a 1080i signal. So in fact it's not really a 1080i set, rather it's 760p.

In any case, if you can afford a 1080p set which has to have at least 1920x1080 resolution, it is worth the money.